Friday, February 9, 2018

The problem is much deeper than you think

The other day, I was talking to some old friends, and we debated whether to continue the search for the wreckage of the fateful  Malaysian Airlines 370 flight  from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. You all know that this flight contained all my personal memorabilia, photos, videos, films, clippings from magazines, newspapers, letters, photocopies, autographs, telegrams, drawings, computer media, etc., which corroborate word for word the statements I make in this blog. My true friends know that everything is true, and they vehemently argued that I should not wear myself out, nor spend my money on recovering my mementos. It's not  a question of money, I explained. I recently made a lot of money with bitcoin. I'm not going to say that I was its inventor because I do not need self-promotion, but let's just say that many of the ideas behind crypto-currencies were born in my brain. After a few hours of conversation, I just had to make a bombastic revelation to my friends to explain the real reason for my distress. I do not know if the world is ready for this, but here it goes.

The reader of this blog knows that I am noble of the finest strain, with an ancient lineage. My full name is Count Rodolpho Braga Vervaagen Celsário Cunho França Gontejo de Castra de Paulo Borba Gato Miranda and Cabeza de Vaca Amaralo Von Emmentaal Mandioletsi Romanovo Galhardo Cardoso Pereira Gomes da Costa Chimentão. I am a descendant of the noble Portuguese family Pereira Gomes da Costa, and the surname Chimentão is incidental, a tribute from my ancestor to honor the boss of the port of Xi Men Tao in China. I have to confess that there is another more important cause for the frantic search.

Among my ancestors were some Templars. I cannot reveal their names for very sensitive issues. In fact, in 1306, when Pope Clement summoned the Master of the Templars Jacques (James) of Molay to discuss a possible new crusade and the merger of the Templars, Hospitallers and Teutonic Orders, my ancestor was in Cyprus, the seat of the Order at the time. Jacques trusted him very much, and told him that there was something suspicious behind this summons - it sound like a King Philip the Fair was trying to frame him. It was a forefather of mine who was assigned a very secret mission, which I now only reveal to the world. He would carry from Cyprus to Portugal all the archives of the Order of the Templars, including alchemy, engineering, navigation, military tactics secrets and much of the Order's treasury. And that was exactly what my ancestor did, very successfully indeed. In other words, the archives of the Templars were not destroyed by the Muslim invaders, as everyone thinks.

The official story everyone knows. De Molay was betrayed and arrested on October 13, 1307 and the Templars' Order was extinguished. All nasty Philip wanted was the Templars' money, the 9,000 real estate properties that the Order owned in Europe, plus gold, silver, precious metals, and the encryption and alchemy secrets. France was broke, and it was not enough to expropriate the assets of the Jews. Philip, a member of the Capetian dynasty needed to lay hands on the money of the noble Knights. He arrested all members of the order in France, plus influenced the weak French pope to demand the same from the other Christian kingdoms. In the next seven years, until the cowardly assassination of Jacques de Molay in 1314, in Paris, the Order attempted to survive. The ambitious  French king failed to expropriate the Templars' assets, the Pope gave the majority to the Hospitalers. Anyway, details, details.

The fact is that the Order was extinguished in all countries, by papal bull. But as a phoenix, the Order of Christ arose in Portugal, in reality, a continuation of the Templars just on a smaller scale ... My ancestors took care of the collection that had been transported to Portugal for centuries and it ended in my care. The answer to many questions that afflict humanity lay in these documents and treasures. How to transform simple stone into gold (the philosopher's stone, would the gold found in Brazil be even gold or something else?.), navigation secrets that allowed the Portuguese to become the kings of the seas, how to control the plague, economic secrets, very sophisticated forms of encryption (which I used even in the creation of bitcoin), etc. They would explain if there was any real connection between the Templars and Freemasonry, as well as other secret societies (I will remain silent, try to guess). Everything was in these documents, stored in several chests, which ended with me in Malaysia. They were being transported on that flight, as I was going to keep these secrets in Beijing. My ancestor, who created the name Chimentao had promised to bring the documents and treasures to China, which he considered safer than Europe or Brazil. And it was up to me to fulfill this delicate mission.

Here it is. All said and done. I cannot say what I know, and believe me, I know a lot. A whole lot. My life is in danger, it can blow up in an instant like the 370 flight.  I cannot help myself, Isaid too much again.

Who did it? I do not know. Terrorists afraid of a mega-crusade? The Ilumminati? Who knows. If you are looking for the secrets of the Templars, do not waste your time anymore. The only record that is probably left in the world is in my brain and I'll take it to the grave. You can torture me,  if you want,  I will not open my mouth.

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